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Author: Elizabeth

Hello there! I'm Elizabeth. Welcome to my website and blog space. All the products in my little shop are hand crafted and stem from my desire to provide creative and high quality products that make people feel lovely. I believe the little moments of life matter, every day should be celebrated, and that the beauty all around us is a gift from the Creator to be enjoyed. I'm married to a wonderful guy who happens to be my greatest cheerleader and best friend, mama to three little ones and currently reside in the heartland of America.
{this moment}

{this moment}

(meant to post this last week, but life moves on …)

inspired by SouleMama:

“{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.”
chocolate and peanut butter

chocolate and peanut butter

Just thought I’d share …

…even though you’ll probably wish that I hadn’t …

… that I have found something wonderful.

Peanut butter smeared onto a warm brownie. Mhmm. Yummm.

Not really a recipe at all, but soooo good!
(warning – they can be a bit addicting. As in, you realize that you just ate a quarter of the pan by yourself type of addicting)

You’re welcome.


{this moment}

{this moment}

inspired by SouleMama:

“{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.”

"Mama, pray."

"Mama, pray."

I’ve been praying with Em as I put her to bed at night, thanking God for giving us this baby girl to raise for Him and asking Him to fill her dreams with joy and peace and instill a deep love for Him in her heart.
When she has nightmares I’ve been comforting her by praying for His peace to surround her and for Him to show her his love.

And tonight, Emma Grace has a fever.

She was murmuring in her sleep and then called for me. I ran in, half expecting her to be throwing up (since we just went through a bought of it). She was tossing around and, when she saw me coming, reached out her hand and said, “Mama, pray.”

Hearing her ask broke my heart and also brought joy – she is so miserable, and there is nothing I can do for her (she’s already had her dose of Tylenol for the night). But she knows – in some toddler way – that God can fix it, God cares, and Mama needed to talk to Him again. She is only just turned three and she knows.

So God, Heavenly Father, You are the Healer and our Comfort. Comfort our baby tonight as You are healing her miserable little body, give her the sweet and deep sleep that she needs tonight. Love and praise.