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Category: baby

Sweet Hearts

Sweet Hearts

I just added a new item to the shop – Heart Cupcake Toppers!

They are so sweet, and would be darling to use for birthdays, weddings, baby showers, a special tea with friends …. or just to dress up your morning muffin. : )

I have plans to add ones made from music paper, red ones and maybe more – I’ll keep you posted!

Thank you so much for following along with me here on the blog. I haven’t been the most regular of bloggers – leaving you hanging for weeks on end sometimes – but I do deeply appreciate all of you who click over and read occasionally. : )

Also, the shop has had almost 300 orders (I can barely believe it! God has been so good.) and to thank the person who places the 300th, they are going to get free shipping on their order! (the shipping fees will be refunded once the transaction has cleared)
Please feel free to share the news with your friends! :)

dolly diapers

dolly diapers

Emma Grace is in sweet stage where she loves her dollies. She loves taking care of them, making them “talk”, holding their hands and making them “walk”, asking for treats (real ones) for them to eat (and she then finishes what they don’t, of course). 
And of course, diapering them. It was getting to the point where she was using more (real) diapers and wipes on them than I was on her some days! So, now her dollies have their own special diapers and wipes which are reusable (and so much cheaper!). :)
I found the pattern for the diapers on Skip To My Lou, and got the idea for the wipes over here. I used flannel for the wipes (which I haven’t taken a photo of) and just zigzag stitched the sides.
It’s so sweet to see her lay her baby doll down for a change and then talk to her all the while. : ) Maybe someday I’ll get a video of it so I can remember … : )
sewing for babies

sewing for babies

Babies seem to be popping up all over this year (what joy!). It seems that every week I hear of someone else who is having a baby. :)
Our family circle is adding two – John’s brothers are each having a boy. Emma and Ian are getting their first cousins this Spring! Of course, I have been itching to do some sewing for our new little nephews. :)

One of the things that was on my “Ideas” page was this tutorial for embellished burp cloths on Diary of a Quilter.  I (kind of) followed it to make a set for each new nephew:

burp cloths for baby Owen, whose nursery is animal themed with bright colors

burp cloths for baby Brett, whose nursery is elephant themed with pale greens and blues

Each baby is also getting some of Ikea’s wooden child size hangers. I bought some when we were expecting Emma Grace and have loved them ever since! They are really classic feeling – and they never break (a huge plus!). One of the last things I did before we left Cincinnati was to stop by Ikea and buy some for each baby (and their mommies). :)

There are a few days left to enter to win the CSN Stores gift card. If you haven’t yet I highly recommend it!

And you’ll be seeing this (and a ton of other people’s crafty Spring ideas) linked at a few of these blogs (click here) – you might enjoy checking them out!

(another) precious baby boy

(another) precious baby boy

We got a new nephew last night!

 John’s twin and his wife birthed an adorable baby boy named Owen Hunter. I’ve heard that Mommy, Daddy and Baby are all doing well and am so looking forward to hearing his special arrival story!

Thinking about them as they are getting acquainted with each other, seeing their baby son face to face for the first time and just resting after all the hard work of pregnancy and birth brings memories of the few days of being in the hospital with our Emma Grace.

Emma was born late at night and we were so very tired, but also so very happy. The day of and following her birth were two of the best days of our lives. That little recovery room in the maternity wing was our own private sanctuary, a place where we learned to know our baby girl, our firstborn, a place to just be quiet and still together and bask in the joy.

Sweet, sweet memories.

Owen, we can’t wait to meet you, to love on you and to kiss your darling baby nose. You have been a much prayed for baby and we are terrible excited to finally see you! Love to you three(!) and hope to see you soon!

Ian’s Hat and Sweater

Ian’s Hat and Sweater

A few days back I mentioned that I finished making the hat and sweater that I had started for the Kids’ Clothes Week Challenge. So, here’s the promised post (albeit a few days later than I had planned :)).

I made both the sweater and the hat using Caron Country Merino Blend in “Silver Service” on size 6 needles. The patterns for both are from Simple Knits for Cherished Babies by Erika Knight.
Although Ian is only five 5 months old, he is a, ahem, large baby (routinely weighing and measuring in the 98th-100th percentile), so I made the Classic Cashmere Sweater in the 6-9 month size and did the math to increase the Baby’s Beanie Hat to a 12 month size. They both fit!

A few things about the sweater pattern – the sleeves are made to be rolled up, so are an inch to inch and a half longer than regular sleeves. If you would prefer to have regular sleeves you would need to do the math to figure out how many rows to leave off.
The sweater pattern includes a few rows of garter stitch at the bottom hem to prevent rolling, and it really works! I’ve put the sweater through the wash 3 or 4 times since I finished knitting it on Halloween, and it still looks like new. No need to iron down the hem. :)

I love how the gray looks on him. So classic, so boyish, so him.

Remember to check out the sale at the shop and enter the giveaway for the CSN Store giftcard!

I’m linking this post at some of these blogs – there are some really wonderful holiday ideas being posted. :)

I did it!

I did it!

You know the “Ideas” page on the blog? And how it’s getting rather, well, long?

Well, I finally made something from it!
I found the Heirloom Cut Chenille Baby Blanket on Aesthetic Nest a while ago and immediately knew that I needed to make one – or maybe more? – for my little ones.

It took me what seemed like forever (Ian has learned to sense when I’m sitting down at the machine and then decides that he needs to eat right NOW and that the blanket can wait!), but it’s finally done!

 I used cotton seam binding instead of the satin blanket edging that she recommended since I wanted the whole thing to be 100% cotton, and I really, really love it. The “flat” side of the blanket is a light moss green with cream dots, and the chenille side is made of light green, yellow and cream. I’ve washed it a few times since it’s been finished (it is getting used!) and it gets a little softer each time.

Can I say again that I just love this blanket?

I’m linking to a few of these great craft blogs – head over and check out the creative ideas!

amazing and full of wonder

amazing and full of wonder

My sister-in-law posted some ultrasound photos of our new little nephew or niece on facebook the other day.
As I was looking at them this morning I found myself choking up – they amaze me.
This little one already has a soul, an eternal soul. God knows his/her name and has known it since before the beginning of time. Even before it was ever spoken of, He know of Baby Smillie’s existence. Oh, these things are amazing and full of wonder.

I was thinking about the verses where God talks about knowing us before we were conceived, knitting our bones and muscles together, seeing us while we were hidden away in the safety and darkness of our mothers’ wombs.

O LORD, you havesearched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
   you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
   and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
   behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before,
   and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
   it is high; I cannot attain it.

Where shall I go from your Spirit?
   Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
    M)’> lead me,
   and your right hand shall hold me.
If I say,P)’> formed my inward parts;
   you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.T)’> the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;in your