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Just had to share with you :)

Just had to share with you :)

I just stumbled across a shop on Etsy that I love – box64studios. Her work is just perfect! I think that she and I would be great friends. :)

Kelly uses beautiful vivid colors and combines them with words from hymns and scripture in a way that creates pieces that put the old words into a fresh setting. It somehow makes them stand out more and is just so lovely.

Kelly also offers a bunch of other things in her shop, one of which is a printable baby’s first year calendar that is just darling. :)

all images copied from box64studios

Handmade Christmas, part II

Handmade Christmas, part II

This project was actually a Christmas present for me. :)
A while ago I saw this tutorial for sewing your own ironing board cover and saved it in my “ideas” folder. It looked so easy, and my ironing board definitely needed a face-lift! Then a few days later I found some really cute material on the remnants table at the fabric store. And now, several months later, I finally took the time to make it into this:
It turns out that the hardest part was getting everything together and taking the time to make it – so glad I did! :)
The ironing board cover takes 2 yards of fabric and about an hour to complete (or longer if you get interrupted;)). Basically, if you have a sewing machine, iron and ironing board and some basic sewing skills, you can make this!

Hmm, maybe I’ll make a few more as Mother’s Day gifts?
I’m posting a link to this on a few of these blogs.
Christmas is coming…

Christmas is coming…

…and it’s just around the corner! Seriously, how did it come up so quickly?
Steph over at Somewhat Simple is having an amazing Christmas giveaway event – the 12 Giveaways of Christmas:

12 giveaways

She is offering 78 prizes in 12 days – pretty amazing!!! (But not nearly as amazing as the Gift we celebrate on Christmas Day)
And if you enter on the 11th day you’ll have a chance to win two custom 5×7 silhouettes from my etsy shop. :)

My Advent Blessings (so far)

My Advent Blessings (so far)

I really didn’t mean to take a week off from the blog. Really. But life gets busy. Amazing how that happens. :)

Since I posted last:

  • we had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving with John’s family
  • I got most of the Christmas shopping done on Black Friday
  • we got (most of) the Christmas decorations up, including the tree
  • I got my hair cut – 11″ taken off and donated to Locks of Love
  • and a bunch of other stuff that I really can’t recall at the moment
 the new hair :)

In the last few days I’ve also had a bunch of blessings! There has been at least one each day, and it’s been kind of like my own special Advent celebration. All of them have been unexpected and made me feel so loved.

  • a fresh wreath arrived on our doorstep (thanks Mom!)
  • we were given a turkey
  • my haircut was free! (I guess that’s normal when you donate your hair, but I had no idea when I walked in and was fully expecting to pay for it)
  • I found a dozen white roses on clearance for $2. They were already a few days old (hence the clearance) but I really love how they are open and blowsy looking :)
  • got this in the mail (okay, I kind of did know about it since I had ordered it, but I forgot about it completely! it was so nice to open the mail box and find it there!)
  •  And it snowed this morning.

I’m really loving this Advent season so far. I used to think it was fun when I was little, but it’s even more fun when you’re an adult! Looking forward to what the rest of December – and my Heavenly Father – holds in store.

I’ve joined the flock

I’ve joined the flock

I know Twitter has been around for a while now, but I haven’t been that sure that I wanted to be a “tweeter”.
Until yesterday morning, that is.

It’s actually kind of fun!

Follow pltmarket on Twitter