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Category: memories

I love how

I love how

when I accidentally wake Emma up during her nap, she gives me a sleepy little grin and then puts her head back down, sucks her thumb, and goes back to sleep. I love her.

meeting Great Grandma Jacobsen

meeting Great Grandma Jacobsen

Grandma recently moved to a care facility near to my parents and grandpa. We stopped in to see her on Saturday the 11th so that she could meet her newest great-granddaughter (her 3rd great-grandchild).
The visit went very well, and Grandma was very alert during the time we were there and seemed to know who Emma was. She was so tickled to meet her!

California family – Emma’s first flight

California family – Emma’s first flight

seeing Auntie Julia again – so exciting!

meeting Grampa

meeting Great Gramma Moose

the Moose Clan

(Great) Auntie Leca

(Great) Auntie Kathy & Emma

Emma and I are in CA for a visit. We’ll be here for about a week and a half, and are enjoying meeting the West coast family for the first time!

Four Generations

more photos from the park picnic

more photos from the park picnic

We spent the evening at one of the county parks last month, and here are a few more of the pictures that I had been meaning to post.

John, getting his fishing pole ready

cooing at the trees (they make a beautiful and fascinating mobile)
Emma and I hung out for about an hour while John was fishing, and I entertained myself by taking pictures of Emma and reading. Mostly taking pictures of Emma, though. :)
Emma was so excited to see her daddy when he got back!

John grilled up a wonderful dinner of steak and onions to go with the cheese, salad and bread that we had brought.

getting ready ….

getting ready ….

… to move.
I just wanted to share a picture of our bedroom, because 1: I really like it (found out that I am quite fond of the color gray. John picked it and now I think that everyone should try having a gray bedroom at least once.), 2: I thought you might like it, 3: we have some wonderful memories here and 4: I know that it will never be the same again.
Once you move it never is. You can never really recreate a space in a new home. It just doesn’t work that way.
That’s a good thing, a very good thing, and I am looking forward to the change. But still, I will miss it.
quick post before heading out to Bible study

quick post before heading out to Bible study

Emma is just too precious. I don’t think I am able to not photograph her. Well, I could if I was forced to, but I would still be taking pictures with my mind. Those dimples will stretch out to knobby-ness all too soon (although I think she will keep her habit of sleeping with her hands by her chin)!

father’s day & hummingbirds

father’s day & hummingbirds

Emma got John a Popeye shirt and a onesie (for her to wear) that says “I Daddy“, and I got him a hummingbird feeder. We were so excited to see that the birds have found it!

We stretched Father’s Day into a weekend event with John opening presents here on Saturday before we drove over to Indianapolis. Everyone was at the Smillie’s except Brian who had to work on Sunday.
It was a fun and relaxed day and a half. The guys enjoyed hours of fishing in the retention pond Saturday and Sunday, and John tried to reaquaint me with a fishing pole (I’ve got quite a way to go before I can be called a fisherwoman!).
Some of the guys went shooting (Evan got a new scope and they needed to sight it in). We swam in a friend’s pool. It was a quiet few days, but so very enjoyed.

Somehow the camera never came out of its case the entire time we were there, so I don’t have any pictures to share. I’m planning to take one soon of John and Emma in their new shirts. They look so very cute. :)

wedding road trip

wedding road trip

A close friend got married in Michigan last weekend, and, since John was unable to go to the wedding, his mom (VERY graciously – thank you!!!!) offered to drive with me and Emma.
So, here are a few pictures from the weekend:

must start with these. of course. because there is an adorable baby in them. and a handsome brother-in-law. and it was the start of the trip.

John drove halfway to Indianapolis and Evan drove halfway to Cincinnati. We met at McD’s (which happens to sell a fair iced mocha).

bonding time with Grandpa S.

more brothers-in-law, making sure the van was ready (i.e. pretending to drive)

the bride’s family hosted a picnic for all the out of town friends and family on Friday night

a few extra hands on deck never hurts when it comes to getting ready for a wedding! Bobbie Sue had just finished curling and pinning up 12 other heads, and was running low on time …

all those years of arranging flowers from the yard came in to play here (I stole the pic off of Facebook)

Alanna and her dad

exchanging rings

the ring bearer and flower girls stole the show at the end

so precociously cute

catching up, so much to say and yet so little time

announcing Mr. and Mrs. Jim Soderna

Becca meeting Emma (Emma likes her)

various Romania alumni

the lovely and much adored Stefana “Mama” Copu finally got to meet our Em