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Category: mothering

"Mama, pray."

"Mama, pray."

I’ve been praying with Em as I put her to bed at night, thanking God for giving us this baby girl to raise for Him and asking Him to fill her dreams with joy and peace and instill a deep love for Him in her heart.
When she has nightmares I’ve been comforting her by praying for His peace to surround her and for Him to show her his love.

And tonight, Emma Grace has a fever.

She was murmuring in her sleep and then called for me. I ran in, half expecting her to be throwing up (since we just went through a bought of it). She was tossing around and, when she saw me coming, reached out her hand and said, “Mama, pray.”

Hearing her ask broke my heart and also brought joy – she is so miserable, and there is nothing I can do for her (she’s already had her dose of Tylenol for the night). But she knows – in some toddler way – that God can fix it, God cares, and Mama needed to talk to Him again. She is only just turned three and she knows.

So God, Heavenly Father, You are the Healer and our Comfort. Comfort our baby tonight as You are healing her miserable little body, give her the sweet and deep sleep that she needs tonight. Love and praise.

for remembering: small, sweet and dimpled

for remembering: small, sweet and dimpled

I just clipped 40 tiny nails: 20 fingers and 20 toes, and 2 chubby, dimpled toddlers worth.
As I was clipping I kept thinking “these fingers and toes will never be this small and sweet again, not even tomorrow. Em and Ian are shooting up like weeds and I need to savor them.”

So, once we were finished I sat them next to each other on the couch (even though they were ready to dash off and play) and took a few photos of those fingers and toes.

And then they hopped down and got back to their playing.


faithful living

faithful living

“This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.” -Elisabeth Elliot
I found this quote on someone’s blog this morning. So good.
I’ve been pondering – what’s my job? What does this look like for me?
Job – wife. Mother.

So the quote could read like this: “Being a wife and mom is the job that has been given to me to do. 
Therefore, it is a gift. 
Therefore, it is a privilege (sometimes this is more evident than others!). 
Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God
Therefore, being John’s wife and a mom to Emma and Ian is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. 
Here, in my days at home, I may learn God’s way. 
In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.”
pondering and applying this truth today.
you know you’re a mother of two under the age of two when:

you know you’re a mother of two under the age of two when:

you stop by the Starbucks by church (which doesn’t have a drive-through but has a very convenient location) and are so preoccupied with guiding the little feet back out the door and balancing the coffee and infant carseat that you forget to put the cream in your coffee – after you asked them to leave extra room for it, too!