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Category: wedding

little happenings

little happenings

Three weeks from right now I will be sitting in the back room of a church, waiting for my wedding to begin and counting down the minutes until I become John Smillie’s wife. Forever. Three weeks.
In the meantime there are a veritable ton of things that probably should be done, but most of them are non-essential.
All of those things are non-essential when I stop to think about what life will look like in, say, 4 1/2 weeks. It helps me put it all in perspective when I remember that soon, very soon, it will be all over and I will be his wife, unpacking our boxes and washing our laundry. In the meantime I miss him terribly. Even with all the bustle of seeing friends and busyness of getting things ready, I am lonely. But, in 2 1/2 weeks he will be here, and the hours until the ceremony will fly past. They are flying now, which means I need to get the next thing done (the lining for the skirt of Anna’s dress, I think …. ).

an afternoon with my sister

an afternoon with my sister

We did errands, and found the perfect sweaters for the flowers girls!

I bought the sheet music for a song for the wedding: Great Is Thy Faithfulness. The version John and I chose is by Fernando Ortega. He completely rewrote the music, but kept all the lyrics the same. It is so lovely!

Then we got our makeup done

and did some preliminary price checking on paper goods for the wedding.

There were several other errands in the midst of all that, so we had a long, yet wonderful day together.

quote to ponder

quote to ponder

Every wedding gives birth to a new history, a new beginning. The spiritual meaning of marriage is found in maintaining that history together.

Becoming one – in the deepest, most intimate sense – takes time. It’s a journey that never really ends.
– Gary Thomas,
Sacred Marriage, chapter VII

wedding updates

wedding updates

Oh, wedding preparations here are going well.
Very well.
There have been tears along the way, but, my goodness, when you put two (or more) very opinionated women together, tears happen. It’s not as if any of the females in this household lack an opinion, or the conviction that their’s is the correct one! We are learning grace, as well as laughter.

In other news, I have another bridal gown. Why? Because the seamstress altered the other one. More than I realized she was going to. In ways that I can’t fix. Number Two is gorgeous. Gorgeous-er than Number One. It will be stunning. Mom asked me what I thought my Darling John will say about, and I replied, “He won’t be able to say anything.” That gorgeous. Oh, yes!
A friend from church has offered to help make it fit absolutely perfectly (it’s already pretty close).

John and I are getting a bit antsy. He told me, “49 more days until I fly out there.” 49 days. Seems as if those days are dragging by at a snail’s pace, but moving they are.