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Tag: chalkboard

How-Tuesday: chalkboard storage jars {from the archives}

How-Tuesday: chalkboard storage jars {from the archives}

{a re-post from my archives :) originally posted on May 4th, 2010. I’m still loving this project, and still using the jars in my pantry!}

Have you seen all the chalkboard stuff floating around the blog community recently? There have been painted walls, framed chalkboards, mirrors, cupboards, flower and herb pots and the lists goes on and on!

Anyway, I finally got on the bandwagon. Yes, I did, and I can’t believe that it took me this long!
I think I found this chalkboard jar idea on a Martha Stewart email or somewhere, but I could be wrong. I could have thought this up in my dreams ……… not sure about that. But here’s a tutorial about how I did it!

I started with basic clean glass jars left over from applesauce and salsa.

I masked off 3″ squares with regular old masking tape (and squares of note paper to keep the tape straight).

Then I went over the glass with chalkboard paint and a foam brush. I gave the jars 3 coats, letting them dry between each coat.

On the first jar I just took the tape off, but as I did it I found that it looked a LOT better if I scored along the tape with a knife before I took it off. Much much better. Next I went over them with some chalk and rubbed it off the prep (or “season”) them, and they were done!

Fill them with whatever, write the contents on the jar with some chalk, and then ….. ta da! You’ve just made your very own chalkboard storage jars!
Of course, that very last step is to stand back and admire – don’t they look lovely?