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Tag: craft room

the office, version 1.0

the office, version 1.0

If you’ve been following along with usĀ on Facebook for a while, you might have heard that we have a new office space! Before I show it to you though, I thought you might like to see where we moved from {before we moved to what was our first “new” office :)}. I promise it won’t take too long!DSC_0024 When we first moved into this house back in 2011 {hard to believe it has been that long already!} our shop was just starting to really picked up momentum and make its value felt, and John kindly set up our “guest” room as a work room for me to putter around in and fill orders. Little did we that the shop would quickly grown beyond what this small room could handle!DSC_0026 Having a space to work in that wasn’t our kitchen table or our bedroom made “the Path Less Traveled” seem much more of a reality, that the thing I was doing during the kiddos’ nap time and in the evenings was an actual business, and not just me playing with the sewing machine. And it was also great{!} to have a place where I could leave a project out past mealtime or bedtime, and close the door when I wanted to keep little hands from helping.DSC_0027

Having the pretty prints from Katie Daisy and Lindsay Letters {and some vintage ones as well} and photos of our babies and John was a way that I kept my spirit refreshed when things got a bit hectic. Also, this room is one of the bedrooms in the house that gets the best light – I found that the combination of pretty things and lots of natural light was essential for me to deal with stress! {have you found the same to be true for you?}

little helper in the office | the Path Less TraveleldAnd the office usually looked a bit more like this: well used, full of projects, orders to filled and little “helpers” {and this photo of Olivia shows just how long ago it was since our office was in this room!}.

Coming soon – photos of where we moved this office too! {it was the kids’ room I showed you here}