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customer love – children’s room edition

customer love – children’s room edition

Well friends, it’s Friday again – which means that it’s customer love time, and today I have a children’s room edition to share!

Last month a mama contacted me regarding a custom version of my new Large Hanging Stars – she was creating a whimsical woodland bedroom for her little guy, and was looking for stars in shades of white, yellow, gold, and some soft blues.

Artwork from the Wheatfield on EtsySome of the artwork in his room is from the Wheatfield, Winnie the Pooh, Babar, Good Night Moon and other art based on favorite classic children’s books by Shannon Presti and Vicki Freeman, and she was hoping to finish off the “play” corner with some sweet ceiling decor that reflects the whimsy and wonder in the pieces. After some emailing back and forth, I think we came up with a perfect fit for her growing boy:customer love - children's room edition! on the Path Less Traveledcustomer love - children's room edition! on the Path Less Traveled

And here’s how they look in his room!customer love - children's room edition! on the Path Less Traveled

Isn’t it just lovely?! I love how she played on the “starry” theme for him, bringing a feel of wonder and adventure to his room. She says that her little loves them, too, and keeps calling them “his stars” – isn’t that darling?

The playful fox fold-up play tent is from SnailCandy on Etsy, and the artwork she chose from the Wheatfield can be found here and here {I LOVE Katie’s work! In fact, if you look carefully around our home, you can spot an example in almost every room :)}. If you’d like to create something similar, you can find the large 12″ size stars in my shop here, and I’ll be adding the smaller 9″ and 6″ sizes soon. :)

Thank you so much for letting me share this, Nancy – I really love how the space turned out!!!

Do you have photos that you’d like to share? If so, you can either email them to me at or tag them with #thepathlesstraveledmarket on Instagram – we’d all love to see your ideas! Also, I often send “thank you” coupons to the lovelies who let me share their photos with you – so if you’re looking for a coupon for your next order, sharing photos is a great way to get a discount!

Have you entered the giveaway for a gift card to the shop yet? If you haven’t, don’t delay! :)


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artwork images are by Katie Daisy from the Wheatfield

some darlingness {because, well, photos of babies just make the day better}

some darlingness {because, well, photos of babies just make the day better}

IMG_5491IMG_5488IMG_5494IMG_5845 IMG_5875 IMG_5862oh. my. goodness. the darlingness of this wee one just does not stop!

she just gets cuter, and sweeter, and more darling as each day goes by. did I tell you that she has four teeth now? and army crawls? and prefers to be in the center of the action? she has learned to clap, and now loves to cheer her siblings on! her laugh is the sweetest thing in the world, and her sister and brother dote on her, watch out for her, and are incredibly proud of each of her new accomplishments. miss Olivia has grown our hearts. and even though I can hardly bear to see her move out of the toothless infant stage, I know that this next one will be full of even more joys.



{photos taken by my mom}

the Cars party!

the Cars party!

Part one of the Cars party, here we come! Do you remember the sneak peak of Ian’s party that I shared? Here’s the {beginning of} the rest of it :)

If you remember, here’s the Pinterest board that I used to brainstorm party ideas for the Cars/fire engine/mechanic/Americana birthday that Ian asked for. There were sooo many amazing ideas that would have been fun to make happen, and John and I managed to pull off a few … and Ian was more than thrilled with the result!

the Cars party on the Path Less Traveleda pre-party shot of the snack/dessert table that was one of the focal points of our indoor decor {note the absence of the drinks and other cold items :)}
the Cars party on the Path Less TraveledI used a piece of burlap from my fabric stash {stashes of goodies like this come in super handy when pulling together parties on a budget!} to cover the table and rounded up all the galvanized bins that I could find to hold snacks and add some height to the spread.the Cars party on the Path Less TraveledThe wall signs were inspired by this Radiator Springs party and this “Route 3” party – all done free hand by moi while the birthday boy was taking his pre-party nap :)the Cars party on the Path Less TraveledThe Red, White and Blue Stars Garland added the perfect bit of color and texture to the front of the table, don’t you think?the Cars party on the Path Less Traveledthe snacks and goodies included watermelon, nuts, chips and salsa, pretzels, carrot sticks and dip, Chex mix, S’mores {the vintage blue Ball jars are perfect for serving and displaying goodies like this!}, and a variety of cold drinks {including this punch which is delicious and really easy!}.the Cars party on the Path Less TraveledDo you see the little cars and tools scattered across the table? Ian got quite a kick when he realized that I had used some of his favorite toys for his party decorations {he’s such a sweetheart!!!}
the Cars party on the Path Less Traveledthe Tow Mater sign – Ian is still holding onto this! He has it in his room now next to his bed. From a distance you can hardly tell that I whipped it out using a sheet of cardboard, a foam brush and some white acrylic paint. ;)the Cars party on the Path Less TraveledI made the Lightning McQueen sign using a free printable that I found here and some red construction paper – it turned out so cute that I ended up making several to scatter around the party!

So, there you have it – part one of the Cars party!


This is going to be a birthday themed week here on the blog! Today the world is welcoming a new royal baby {congratulations, William and Kate! And blessings upon the newest successor the British throne! <3 } and later this week my husband and three of his brothers will be having birthdays. Imagine the amount of cake that we’ll be eating! {not that I’m complaining at all!} How do you and your family celebrate birthdays? Do you have any special traditions?


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Instagram bits

Instagram bits

the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little bits and pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still. Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. :)

This week’s post is kind of a catch-up – so you get two weeks rolled into one. Enjoy!Mother's Day RosesMy Mother’s Day rose bush is looking so lovely <3 I’m a rose lover! Especially the soft colors – pink, white, even gray and soft purple – and the full, blowsy cottage types. :)
IMG_2416 I asked – and you answered! This storage dresser in the sewing room might be getting a do-over, and many of you chimed in with your color suggestions. Thank you!IMG_2421 A sweet color combo on the It’s A Girl! cupcake toppers – I normally stamp the girl version with pink ink onto either vintage or white paper, and this customer asked to add some pink on pink – they turned out super darling!IMG_2426 our darling baby being her sweet little self <3IMG_2431 It’s graduation season! These purple stars are the size I normally carry in the shop, and the large gold ones are coming soon!IMG_2433 a custom bouquet of “Congrats Grad!” and “Class of 2013” dessert toppersIMG_2441

John had a week of vacation, and we spent most of it at home {or with my in-laws}. We did get away for an overnight, though! Brown County is Indiana’s largest state park, and quite lovely {and quite!} this time of year. We took the kiddos to Story Inn for the night, and then for a bit of an explore in the park itself the next day. They loved being on an “adventure” so much.IMG_2443 A sweet color combo! These purple and pink butterfly toppers are on their way to a baby girl’s first birthday party :)IMG_2445 And my baby girl just keeps getting bigger! She’s a roller now, and loves to roll her way across the room. She started out on the blanket in the lower right, and made it all the  way to my stash of baker’s twine on the other side of the sewing room. :)IMG_2446

How about you – you Instagram? What do you find shows up as a recurring theme in your photos?

Also, don’t forget to use the shop’s free shipping coupon if you’re planning on stocking up on any summer party goods! It expires tomorrow night, so don’t dilly dally too long :)




customer love – proposal edition!

customer love – proposal edition!

.: photo curtesy of Brian C. :.

I was thrilled to be contacted by a customer a while back, asking if I could help him with an order that he was planning to use as part of his proposal{!} to his girlfriend. Thrilled is an understatement – because what girl doesn’t love a bit of romance? :)

His plan was to make up a batch of heart shaped pancakes and top them with several of my stamped heart toppers, both the “BE MINE” and “LOVE” versions. He contacted me a few weeks later saying that it had gone perfectly! I can only imagine how delighted she was to be greeted with the breakfast and declaration of his love <3

little pieces

little pieces

the photos that I capture on Instagram are just little pieces of our life, and it’s really interesting to see what moments I capture {and which ones I don’t} – of course, it seems as if {since I instagram from our iPad} I only capture the things that stand still. Which of course explains why Emma Grace, Ian and John don’t show up very often, but flowers, projects and Olivia do. :)

here are some of the little pieces of this last week:

blooms in our yard – they make me soooo happy! clockwise: anemones, our new peach tree, returning tulips and sprouting veggies. If only I could keep these lovelies all year long <3IMG_2295 packing up a bunch of Atlas Heart Cupcake Toppers – they are always so lovely!IMG_2298John turned on the radio when he arrived home Monday afternoon and my heart broke – it seems as if there has been a fresh tragedy every day to add to our prayers. It makes my heart long for heaven more, but also yearn to love my darlings that much harder. “for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a strong mind”
frametastic-1 we introduced Dessert Garlands to the site!IMG_2304 Olivia came down with a fever on Tuesday/Wednesday and then shared it with me – we are just now catching up with everything that went undone while we did extra cuddling <3IMG_2312the sewing corner – so many, many miles of garland get sewn here, so many projects for loved ones and tiny clothes made {and mended}
IMG_2313 feeling better – yay!!!I came back to my project after getting the kiddos a snack one morning to find this: a Nerf gun, dart and little boy tools mingled with the white wedding hearts ;D4bc8af3ea9d911e284fa22000a1f9c87_7 so much love! a bundle of 75 red, pink and white heart dessert toppers, each stamped with “LOVE”IMG_2328 on Saturday I was all caught up with orders {yippee!} and took the rest of the day to catch up on cleaning – and baking. Apparently, making things with sugar rests me :) then, once the littles were in bed for the night, John and I stayed up with a movie, cheesecake AND cookies and a game of Scrabble :)IMG_2329

and last, but not least, the GIVEAWAY! if you haven’t entered yet to win one of our new Gold Glitter Scallop Dessert Garlands, you might want to head over and enter :)

see you soon! <3


life rearranged

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cute things coming!

cute things coming!

Ah, Friday again :) And it’s March!

the Path Less Traveled: cute things coming!

There have been lots of cute things happening around here – some of which include a Princess party and Baby Girl turning 3 months old :) – and there are more coming! One of the big things, though, was that we got a new computer {a Mac – we made the move over from a PC last Sunday after ours died}. My husband was even able to rescue most of the photos and info off of the old one, and I’m soooo thankful {I hadn’t backed anything up since last fall – eek!}! Anyway, it’s been a full week. :)

Now that there is a lovely computer up and humming on the desk again, I’m planning to bring you some cute How-Tuesday posts, add a few things to the shop, and even show you a little bit of green that I played with for St. Patrick’s Day {shamrocks, anyone? :)}

One last thing before I sign off – have you heard of Birds & Honey? {if not, you really should click over to her site – so gorgeous!!!} I’m so excited to tell you that she’ll be giving us a guest post later this month!

How has your week been? Can you believe that we’re already welcoming March? That means we only have 3/4 of 2013 left … what?!