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the hobnob summer market

the hobnob summer market

Do you remember this little preview that I gave you a few weeks ago?

Well, it’s happening! I have a booth booked at the Hobnob Summer Market!

the Path Less Traveled at the Hobnob Summer MarketThey’ve been doing a wonderful job promoting each of the vendors, both online and in print, and a few days ago I noticed that they had posted this little bio of me and my shop on their facebook page – I love how they put it together :) {and yes, if you’re looking for any of the items in this image, I’ll be bringing them with me!}

My sister-in-law, a friend and I are going to be sharing a booth, and I’m excited! I’ll be bring Olivia with me too, so any of you who have been dying to squeeze her sweet baby chub will have a chance to snuggle her sweetness in person {provided you, you know, you’re normal and not all stalker-ish and weird, because that would not be cool, mkay?}

Do you live in the Illinois/Indiana area? If so, I’d love to see you there! Stop by and say “hi” if you come, and you might even get a cupcake :)

Now, I’m off to make a few more dozen sets of cupcake toppers – eek! It’s getting to be crunch time!




p.s. sharing here today: