an idea + bits of fabric + thread = something pretty

an idea + bits of fabric + thread = something pretty

Well, hello there! It’s been a few days since I’ve posted anything …… but I have a good reason (I mean, other than being a mommy to two little ones, that is)! We took a week of vacation to visit family, and now are back. It was a good time of reconnecting with everyone,and my family especially enjoyed meeting Ian. His Grampa and aunts and uncles were completely smitten. :)

Things are settling into their routine again, the laundry is all washed and put away, and I am getting a few new things ready for the shop. One of the new items is something that I probably would never have made if it wasn’t for someone else’s idea.
A few days ago a woman over in England sent me a custom request for a garland that was similar to others that I have listed, but different – made out of fabric and white.

After a few emails back and forth, this is what we came up with:

I am so glad she contacted me – otherwise I might never have ventured into making something like this! It’s really gorgeous, fluttery and delicate. It reminds me of snowflakes, dandelions, and almond blossoms. And mini marshmallows. :)
It would be sooooo pretty adorning a wedding. Or a nursery. A party. A Christmas tree. A mantle piece or doorway. Above a headboard. Pretty much anywhere!

There are more in the works for the shop, and I might just squeeze time in to photograph and post a tutorial. Maybe. :)

Once again, I’m posting a link to this on a few of these craft blogs – head on over and check out the amazing ideas other people are posting!

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