for your Valentines

for your Valentines

 This was going to be a home-made Christmas gift post to go with my little mini-series from the Christmas before, but it’s quite a bit after Christmas already (how in the world did that happen? and I was even planning a year re-cap post … whoops!). So now it’s a “just in time for Valentine’s Day” post. : )

Have you seen the idea from Martha Stewart where you take a quilting hoop and make it into a card wreath? There are really excellent step-by-step instructions on her site, so I won’t try to replicate them here. : )
I made one a few years ago, and this last Christmas I made two for my sisters-in-law. Notice the gold ribbons? I did that on purpose – not only will they be great for display Christmas cards neatly, but they will also work really well for displaying Valentines, Easter cards, or even family photos. We live a distance from some of our family, and pinning up photos of Grandpa, Grammie and Aunts and Uncles really helps the little ones with being able to associate a face with the voice on the other end of the phone. : )


So there you have it! A belated post saved from being deleted! Or rather, a special project just in time for Valentine’s Day <3 xoxoxo
(I’m linking this at a few of these blogs {link here} – check them out for lots of crafty Valentine ideas!)

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