Thoughts – On Autumn

Thoughts – On Autumn

Another beautiful day. Fall never ceases to satisfy me with its color, its crispness, its mist, and its …. well, not sorrow, really, but sense that this, too, has come to an end, and it is good though it does make my eyes water. I love autumn for just being itself. Beautiful and sorrowful at the same time.
Even if Thanksgiving weren’t just around the corner this time of year seems to prompt reflection and thankfulness. Why? I don’t know, and I don’t know if others feel the same way, but that’s how it is for me. The sun – with his warmth – is leaving us gradually, leaving longer nights and imparting a blueish tint to the day by his absence. But longer nights suggest gathering with friends and enjoying the company of the ones we love.

I love autumn.

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