little gem

little gem

In the last month she has learned to smile (with a kind of scrunched up “cheese!” smile) when she sees me pull out the camera.

She makes our every moment so precious. Just sitting here at the computer is taking myself away from her soft little hands, her ever learning, sparkling and laughing eyes, her range of faces as she begins to figure out emotions.
trying to grab the camera

so pleased with herself!

cheese, again

are you finished yet mommy? I’ll keep smiling until you’re done!

5 thoughts on “little gem

  1. Well, that’s the way to start our day off right! Smiles from our little Emma! W e M i s s Y o u

    How wonderful to see how much she adores you. You are so blessed!!!

    Thank you for the pictures today! I needed a pick-me-up for sure!!

    love, Mom

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