how Tuesday – DIY shelf paper

how Tuesday – DIY shelf paper

Pretty DIY Shelf Liner{how Tuesday is back! Well, sort of :) I meant to post this on Tuesday, but better late than never!}

It’s that time of year – taking down and putting away all the loveliness of Christmas, cleaning, purging of clutter …. what better time than now to get your cupboards prettied up!

Brace yourselves:

DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled

Well, let’s just say our pots and pans cupboard has looked worse. But it also has the potential to look so much better! Seeing a splash of pretty pattern and a tidy and organized stack of pans always soothes me just a bit, so one afternoon I decided to give the inside of our cabinets a little make-over.DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled

materials needed: patterned paper {I used some giftwrap from World Market}

clear contact paper

ruler/yardstick/straight edge

pen or pencil


Step one: take everything out of your cabinet and wipe them out. You may need to use a bit of soap if they’re greasy – this is the perfect time to get all the little gross bits you’ve been ignoring since their hiding in the shadows taken care of!

DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less TraveledStep two: measure the bottom of the cabinet. Once you have the dimensions, roll out your paper {wrong side up} and mark the size you will need.DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled Step three: cut it out!DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled Step four: unroll the contact paper, and cut off a section about an inch longer on each side than your pretty paper {so, if the base of your cabinet is 14″x20″, your contact paper needs to be 16″x22″}. DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled step five: peel the backing off of the contact paper and carefully center the art paper in the middle. Notch the corners like this:DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled and fold the edges over the back of the pretty paper, sealing the edges.DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled This makes your pretty paper into a semi rigid shelf liner!DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled Step six: slip the new shelf liner into your cupboard and …DIY Shelf Paper via the Path Less Traveled have fun arranging and organizing your kitchen ware!
Organizing a cabinet on the Path Less TraveledPretty DIY Shelf LinerOne of the lovely things about this is that if your cabinet gets really gross {not that it would, but you know, if}, you can just take the liner out, carry it over the sink and wipe it of – so much easier than kneeling with your head in the cupboard as you scrub out the sticky spots!




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